Montana is a mountainous, landlocked US state east of the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains and south of Canada. The state is arranged in the Northern Rockies and Plains district in the northwestern United States.
It borders the Canadian territories of British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan toward the north, the U.S. states of North Dakota and South Dakota toward the east, Wyoming toward the south, and Idaho toward the west and southwest.
Montana was gained from France as a component of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; it was investigated by the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805-06. Montana was confessed to the Union on the eighth of November 1889 as the 41st state.
Here we have gathered some informative Montana trivia questions for you to enjoy and get some information.
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Montana Trivia Questions
1)What is the Montana state slogan?
2)What is the origin of the state of Montana’s name?
3)Where does Montana rank in size in comparison to the other US States?
4)What is the Montana state flower?
5)Montana is home to the largest ICBM field in the United States covering how many square miles?
7)On January 15, 1972, what was the location of the most extreme recorded temperature change in a 24-hour period in the United States when a chinook wind blew in and the temperature went from −54 to 49 °F ?
8)Warmer weather, attacks by beetles, and mismanagement have led to a substantial increase in what?
9)In World War II, Native Americans from the Crow Nation became what?
10)What is the Montana state bird?
11)How many named mountain ranges does Montana have?
12)Montana's economy is primarily based on what?
13)The largest mining operations in Montana were located in the city of Butte, which silver deposits and gigantic what?
14)Montana's Glacier National Park, is commonly known as what?
15)How many square miles does Montana have in the area?
16)Montana is slightly larger than which Asian country?
17)All of the lands in Montana east of the continental divide was part of the what?
18)What is the largest reservoir in Montana?
19)What is the Montana state ballad?
Montana Trivia Questions quiz
20)What are the only two cities with populations over 50,000 in Montana?
21)What is the highest recorded temperature measured in Montana?
22)The state of Montana is the largest what?
23)What was the first permanent settlement in what today is Montana?
24)What state borders Montana to the south?
25)What is the Montana state fossil?
26)In World War II, there were about 30 documented cases of what?
27)What Plateau is the largest contiguous landmass with an elevation of over 10,000 feet high in the U. S.?
28)There are how many named lakes and reservoirs in Montana?
29)What is the highest point in the state?
30)What is the Montana state butterfly?
31)For the war effort in World War I, Montana’s Remount station in Miles City provided 10,000 what?
Montana trivia questions and answers
32)Paleontologist Jack Horner brought the Hell Creek Formation to the world's attention and it is now a major source of what?
33)Montana 450 miles named rivers and creeks that are known for their "blue-ribbon" what?
34)What is the Montana state mammal?
35)Montana's rivers drain into which three major bodies of water
36)Gold output in Montana from 1862 through 1876 reached how many dollars?
37)Where do Montana's three watersheds divide?
38)What was it that created Quake Lake in 1959?
40)How many dams are there on the Missouri River?
41)The Yellowstone River is the longest "what" in the United States?
42)Fort Peck Reservoir is contained by the world's second-largest what?
43)What is Montana state grass?
44)About what percentage of Montana is covered in Forests?
45)Where was the first gold discovered in Montana?
46)Montana has the population of what type of animal in the lower 48 states?
47)How many federally endangered species is the state of Montana host to?
Montana trivia quiz
48)The State of Montana contains portions of Yellowstone National Park including three of the park's what?
49)What is the Montana state fish?
50)How many acres of wilderness are in the National Wilderness Preservation System established by the Wilderness Act of 1964?
51)What is the coldest recorded temperature for Montana?
52)The climate is getting warmer in Montana and the glaciers in Glacier National Park have receded and are predicted to do what in a few decades?
53)What is the Montana state nickname?
54)Winters are warmer and have fewer cold spells that are used to kill off the what?
55)Where was the richest gold placer digging discovered?
56)The Homestead Act of 1862 provided what to settlers?
57)The Desert Land Act of 1877 allowed settlement of arid lands in the west and gave 640 acres to settlers for $.25 per acre and a promise to what?
58)In World War, I, how many Montanans died?
59)In Montana, the 1918 Influenza epidemic killed how many people?
60)Montana was the only one of the 48 US States during World War II to not have a " what" named after it?
61)What is the only city in Montana with a population over 100,000?
62)What is the Montana state tree?
Montana trivia facts
63)Henry Plummer was the 'outlaw' sheriff of which Montana town?
64)What year was Henry Plummer elected as sheriff?
65)How many 'outlaws' did the Vigilantes hang in January and February of 1864?
66)Long John Franck and Erastus Yeager did what?
67)The death of Nicholas Tbalt is the catalyst that started the Vigilante killing spree. Who is said to have killed him?
68)In 1865 what town became the territorial capital of Montana?
69)Who was the original owner of the Anaconda Mining Co?
70)What company did Anaconda merge within 1899 to become the Amalgamated Copper Mining Co.?
71)168 men were killed in a Butte mine fire in which year?
72)Which ethnic group makes up the majority of Butte's population to this day?
73)Who owned the Copper King Mansion?
74)Who found the first gold at Last Chance Gulch?
75)In what year did Montana achieve statehood?
76)Name the trading company that first established a post at what was to become Ft. Benton.
77)What year was General George Armstrong Custer's last stand?
78)The first female in Congress was from Montana. What was her name?
79)A Jesuit priest opened a mission in what valley in 1841?
80)What three numbers can be found on the patch worn by the Montana Highway Patrol?

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