Are you in love with trivia? And initially, you want to start with easy trivia questions. You are right, questions and answer quizzes are a great way to check and improve knowledge. Through these questions, we can know how much information we are. In this post, we trying to cover all easy questions related to movies, animals, places, IT, and some other categories.
Most questions are related to kids, as we know in the initial stage we need to know the basic knowledge of everything. Some multiple-choice questions are also included in this post. General knowledge questions are very important for kids, through which they can know about the history of any category.
Get ready for some fun and easy trivia with our collection of Very Easy Trivia Questions,it is Perfect for beginners or anyone looking for a laidback challenge. Test your knowledge on a variety of simple topics and have a great time with friends and family.
1. What is the key point that Florida attracts tourism?
2. In which year was Walt Disney World Resort created? And in which state it is located?
3. Which 2 states have a border with Florida?
4. Who was the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage?
5. How much time took Diana Nyad to swim from Cuba to Florida?
6. What was the name of the first communication satellite of NASA?
7. On which date did Echo 1 first time launch?
8. Which tree is considered to be the most dangerous in the world?
9. What is the name of the most powerful rocket?
10. What was the Falcon heavy launch date?
11. Between which years was Florida ruled by the British?
12. In which year did Florida become the part of USA?
13. Which area is known as “The lightning capital of the united states”?
14. There is no personal income tax in Florida, is that true?
15. What is the distance between Cuba and Florida?
16. Which American state is the world’s largest citrus fruit producer?
17. The first passenger airline schedule between which cities?
18. On which date the first flight took place?
19. Who was the first pilot of a passenger airline?
20. Who was the first passenger of the airline?
21. How many golf courses are there in Florida?
22. Who invented mechanical refrigeration and in which year?
23. Which is the smallest planet in the universe?
24. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, is it true?
Easy trivia questions for kids
25. Which planet has the highest temperature fluctuation rate?
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26. In how many days does mercury complete 1 orbital rotation?
27. Which 2 spacecraft visited Mercury?
28. In which year did Mariner 10 fly to Mercury?
29. In which year Messenger entered orbit around Mercury?
30. In which year Messenger was launched?
31. In which year did Messenger complete its primary mission?
32. Approximately how many images were collected by Messenger during his mission to Mercury?
33. On which date did the Messenger crash into Mercury?
34. Mercury consists of mostly which type of materials?
35. Second heaviest planet in the solar system is Mercury. Do you know the density?
36. What is the density of the earth?
37. Venus completes 1 orbital rotation in how many days?
38. What is the average orbital speed of Venus?
39. At Venus sun rises from the west and sets in the east. Is it true?
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40. Which planet is the second brightest object in the night sky?
41. What is the surface gravity of Venus?
42. What is the surface area of Venus?
43. Which planet is sometimes called the “sister planet” of the Earth?
44. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. What is the average temperature?
45. Venus is surrounded by a reflective layer of which acid?
46. When robotic spacecraft Mariner 2 launched?
47. What is the meaning of Mariner R Mission?
48. Why is Campeche surrounded by a wall? What was the reason behind the wall?
49. How many years took to complete the Campeche Wall?
Easy trivia questions and answers general knowledge
50. What is the height of the Campeche wall?
51. Which were the 3 famous tribes of Campeche?
52. When Mexico got Independence from Spain?
53. When did Campeche free himself from Yucatan?
54. When Campeche recognize as a separate state?
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55. In 1902 which president ordered to give some portion of Campeche to create the province of Quintana Roo?
56. What is the main source of income of Campeche?
57. What is the total area of Campeche?
58. What is the total population of Campeche?
59. What is the name second smallest state of Mexico?
60. What is the name of the largest city in Mexico?
61. On which date Baja California Sur became a state?
62. What is the total area of Baja California Sur?
63. Baja California Sur is divided into how many municipalities?
64. The world wide web commonly known as?
65. URL Stands for?
66. through which software do users access resources of the web?
67. Who invented www and in which year?
68. Web pages are made using which language?
69. In the webpage how do we navigate to other pages?
70. What is the main functionality of a web server?
71. When first time Europe and North America connect through direct IP?
72. Which computer does Berners-Lee use as a first web server?
73. What was the name of the first graphic browser?
74. Which team develop the first graphic browser Mosaic?
75. Http stands for?
76. What are the static pages?
77. What are dynamic pages?
78. Example of server-side programming language?
79. Example of a client-side scripting language?
80. JavaScript was initially developed in which year?
81. What is the name of the standard version of JavaScript?
Easy trivia questions multiple choice
82. Domain name follow the rule and procedure of which system?
DNS (Domain Name System)
DSS (Domain Security System)
DNF (Domain Name Function)
83. Generally, the domain represents which address?
Browser address
IP address
84. Who administered the domain?
Hosting provider
Domain name registrars
85. What is the rank of Wikipedia in Alexa?
86. Wiki is
Non-profitable organization
Profitable organization
87. Who controls the Wikipedia website?
Wiki video foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
88. Wikipedia is available in how many languages?
89. Who created Wikipedia?
Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger
John Wales & Becker’s
90. In which year Wikipedia has been launched?
1 January 2002
January 15, 2001
February 28, 2000
91. On which date were and registered as domain names?
January 12, 2001, and January 13, 2001
December 1, 2001, and January 2, 2001
92. Where is Google’s headquarters located?
Menlo Park California
94. Who were the founders of Google?
Larry Page & Sergey Brin
Smith & Becker’s.
95. What was the initial name of Google?
96. Google first time ran on which domain?
Stanford University domain (
personal domain
97. When Google domain name registered?
On September 15, 1997
In Oct 20, 1995
98. When Google became a proper incorporate company?
On September 4, 1998
In November 10, 1990
99. The first office of Google was based on?
A garage
100. Who was the first employee of Google company?
101. Google was initially funded by Andy Bechtolsheim. How much money did he give?
102. In which year Brin and Page decided to sell Google to Excite?
Early 1999
103. At what price, did Brin and Page agree to sell Google to Excite?
$3 Million
$2 Million
$1 Million
104. When Google moved its office to Palo Alto California
105. When does Google start selling advertisements associated with keywords?
Easy trivia questions about animals
106. How many species of frog exist in the world?
107. The frog can observe water through their skin. He didn’t need to drink water. Is this true?
108. In which country frog is a symbol of life and fertility?
109. Finch exists all over the world, except which country?
110. Finch is popular due to which feature?
111. What will be the minimum and maximum size of Finch?
112. What are the favorite foods of Finch?
113. Normally in which area is Toucan found?
114. What are the favorite foods of Toucan?
115. What makes Toucan unique from all other birds?
116. What is the average size of a Toucan beak?
117. On which thing toucan beak made?
118. What is the color combination of the Toucan body?
119. Through which part of the body does Toucan adjust blood flow?
120. How many types of Toucans exist in the world?
121. Woodpeckers exist all over the world except in which country?
122. Woodpeckers use their beak for which purpose?
123. What is the average size of a woodpecker's tongue?
124. How many times a day woodpecker tap?
125. Which type of woodpecker’s only found in a mature pine forest?
Easy trivia questions and answers 2017
126. North America was treated as a total solar eclipse on which date?
127. Malala Yousufzai became 20 years old in which year?
128. On which date Donald Trump became officially the president of the US?
129. In which country the handball world championship (men) 2017 was held?
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130. What was the start and end date of a handball world championship (men) in 2017?
131. According to IMDB which was the top-rated Hollywood movie in 2017?
132. What was the season number of the 2017 NFL?
133. What was the start and end date of the regular season of NFL 2017?
Quiz questions for 5 year olds
134. What you required most when you are thirsty?
135. What school bus color is?
136. Who is the founder of Facebook?
137. What was the name of the airplane inventor?
138. Which country initiates the Olympic games?
139. Who was William Shakespeare?
140. Galileo invent which tool?
141. On which medium does sound travel faster? Water or air?
142. How many planets exist in the solar system?
143. Which singer has been titled as king of pop music?
144. Which is the most viewed video on YouTube?
145. What is the name of the largest building in the world?
146. The smallest country in the world is?
147. The largest animal on the land?
148. Through which part of the body human can walk?
149. Through which part of the body human can hear?
150. Through which part of the body human can see?
Fun kid movie trivia questions and answers
151. In how many years has the Kung Fu Panda movie been completed?
152. Kung Fu Panda was released in which year?
153. Which animation company produces Kung Fu Panda movies?
154. Who were the directors of Kung Fu Panda?
155. Who was the producer of Kung Fu Panda?
156. What was the name of the main character panda in Kung Fu Panda?
157. Who wrote the story of Kung Fu Panda Movie?
158. Who was the villain of Kung Fu Panda Movie?
159. Rio released in which year?
160. Who directed the movie RIO?
161. Which studio did the animation of RIO?
162. What was the name of the main character of the RIO Movie?
163. What is the name of the 5 most common tools used for gardening?
164. Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the U.S.?
165. To which sport Christiano Renaldo is associated?
166. Which element is 'Na' in a periodic table?
167. Which state of the U.S. is famous for peaches?
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168. How many feet are there in a mile?
169. Who is the author of The Harry Potter series?
170. How many players are there on a baseball team?
171. Which is the most spoken language in the world?
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- What is the name of the princess in the movie Frozen?
- Who is the main character in the movie Toy Story?
- What kind of creature is Toothless in the movie How to Train Your Dragon?
- What is the name of the young lion in the movie The Lion King?
- What is the name of the little girl who loves monsters in the movie Monsters, Inc.?
- In the movie Despicable Me, what are the small, yellow creatures called?
- Who is the superhero known for his spider-like abilities in the movie Spider-Man?
- What is the name of the blue fish with short-term memory loss in the movie Finding Nemo?
- What kind of animal is Timon in the movie The Lion King?
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A software engineer having over 10 years of experience in web development and a passionate blogger who loves to write on different topics. My expertise is in moves, religious articles, sports, animals, and more.