The animal is one of the best creatures of God. I love animals and i also have too many pets at my home. This post is especially for those who love animals and want to improve their knowledge about animals. In this post, you’ll find too many trivia questions about animals. in this post we have questions about different kinds of fishes, and snakes, we also have questions about Elephants, crocodiles, birds, and some other animals.
Prepare to find out the most adorable universe of animals! if you want to increase your knowledge and have fun at the same time this article is the right place to do so. Test your insight with this entertaining collection of questions about various animals. From fluffy calves to the largest mammals, check out how much you know about animals.
1. What type of blood fish have? And which type of animals they are?
2. What was the old name of fish?
3. What is the most populated vertebrate group animal?
4. How many years ago a jawless fish appeared in the Cambrian period?
5. What are the most common types of fish?
6. What is the name of shortest-lived vertebrate fish? And how many days they can live?
7. How many total eggs pygmy can lay in their lifespan?
8. Gastrotrich is a freshwater microorganism do you know their lifespan?
9. What is the name of longest lifespan fish, which can live about 205 years
10. Till now how many species of fish found on the earth?
11. How many types of fish species exist on the earth that is not identified yet?
12. If we combine all species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals the number of fish species will remain greater. This statement is true or not?
13. How much percentage of all fish species live in fresh water?
14. Which type of fish has more powerful jaws than a crocodile, which can generate a bite force up to 8000 lbs. per square inch
15. Which is the largest fish? And what are the reported length and weight?
16. Which animal lay the largest egg and what is the size?
17. How many teeth whale shark have?
18. What is the name of the smallest fish in the world?

Random animal trivia questions
19. In which area of the world transparent fish found?
20. What is the total size of Paedocypris Progenetica?
21. What is the second smallest fish name? what is the total length of it? And where it found?
22. Do you know the name of the most poisonous fish in the world?
23. Which is the only animal in the world who can turn their stomach inside-out?
24. Which animal doesn’t have a brain and doesn’t have blood?
25. How many total species of snakes are exist in the world?
26. Snakes have existed everywhere in the world except which areas?
27. From 3000 species how many species are poisonous, and can harm human?
28. Which type of blood snakes have?
29. How snakes swallow things greater than their head?
30. What is the name of the smallest snake according to national geographic?
31. What will be the average size of thread snake?
32. What is the name of the largest snake, and what is the maximum recorded size?
33. The largest fossil of snake discovered 60 million years ago and the size was 50 feet (15 meters) do you remember the name of that fossil?
34. Only one species of snake build nest to lay eggs. Do you know the name of that snake?
Animal quiz questions and answers for adults
35. Now many percentages of snake species lay eggs? And what is the name of that type?
36. Why remaining 30 percent of snakes not lay eggs? What is the reason?
37. Snakes are carnivores. What does it mean?
38. Snakes can swallow other animals 75,100% greater than their own size, according to national geographic they can eat very large animals such as crocodile and cow. Is it true or not?
39. After swallow how snake break the food down into the usable energy?
40. How many days king cobra live without food?
41. Sometimes after eating live animals snake explode, what is the reason behind this?
42. Mostly where snakes like to live?
43. Which weather the snakes like most?
44. What is the rarest and dangerous type of snake?
General animal trivia
45. Snakes don’t have nose than through which part of the body they can smell?
46. Snakes also don’t have ears, so how they hear the sound?
47. Snakes shed their entire skin 3 times a year, what is the name of this process?
48. Through which part of the body snakes can climb on a tree?
49. There is a type of snakes which can fly. Do you know the name of that snake?

50. In which area of the world Chrysopelea normally found?
51. If the shape of the pupil of the snake is like a diamond, what does it’s mean?
52. If the shape of the pupil is round, then what does it means?
53. Which marine animals have 3 hearts, but don’t have hearing organs, and very powerful vision?
54. By the help of which part of the body octopus can walk?
55. What is the name of the largest Octopus in the world?
56. What is the name of fastest moving fish, and what is the maximum speed?
57. How many species of flying fish are exist in the world?
58. What is the name of the largest fish that can fly?
Animal trivia questions and answers printable
59. Do you know the name of the largest sea turtle?
60. The leatherback is one of the deepest diving marine animals. do you know how deep can dive?
61. Which is the fastest moving reptile on the earth, and what is the speed?
62 The heaviest the biggest animal on the earth is a blue whale, Do you know the highest recorded weight?
63. What is the weight of a newborn baby blue whale?
64. What is the name of the largest animal which doesn’t have the backbone
65. Which animal has the largest eyes in the world? And what is the diameter of their eyes?
Animal questions to ask
66. Annually how many estimated people died due to snakebite?
67. What is the normal activity of snakes?
68. Which type of snake kills more people per year?
69. Out of 3000 species, how many species of snakes can kill a human with one bite?
70. What is the name of fear which is due to a snake?
71. In how many days do snakes digest their food?
72. Which type of snakes are solely made up of females?
73. Which type of snakes are most widely spread in the world?
74. Which snake is supposed to be the most advanced in the world, who can strike up to 12 times in a row?
75. Which snake is the world more toxic in the world?
76. Which snake has the fastest strike in the world? Which required only 0.15 seconds to strike and go back to the strike position.
77. Out of 3000 species of snakes, how many species can fly?
78. From which material the scales of the snake are made?
79. What is the name of the most common snake found in North America
80. What are the well known types of seabirds?
81. What are the common meal of sea birds?
82. Which type of birth penguins are?
83. Can penguins fly? Just like other seabirds
84. Which sea bird spends half of life their life swimming around the ocean
85. How many total species of penguins exist in the world?
86. While walking on land, penguin use which part of the body to maintain balance?
Animal quiz questions and answers 2017
87. What is the name of the largest penguin?
88. What is the name of the smallest penguin and what is the total weight?
89. How do penguin maintain their body temperature, and keep their body parts from freezing?
90. What is the second method penguin use to maintain their body temperature?
91. What 3 methods penguin use while walking on land?
92. What penguin loves to eat?
93. Penguins rely on which part of the body while searching for food underwater
94. Majority of penguin species dive normally how many feet?
95. During the breeding period’s penguin stopped eating, what is the reason behind this?
96. In which area of the world are penguins found?
97. Penguins are normally found in which regions of the world?
98. What are the living style of penguins, Do they love to live in groups or live life individually?
99. Are penguins marine mammals?
100. Atlantic puffin is a small bird, do you know the average weight of a puffin?
101. At which speed puffin can move? And how many times do they flap their wings in a minute?
102. Puffins are the greatest swimmers, do you know how many meters they can dive down under the water?
103. 60% of puffins are located near which country?
104. Puffins can hold multiple small fish in their bills, do you know exactly how many fish they can hold in one tripe?
105. What is the total lifespan of puffins?
106. What is the total approximate population of puffins in the world?
107. Mallard is a type of duck, normally found in America, Eurasia, and North Africa. Do you know the total lifespan of mallard?
108. What are the favorite foods of Mallard?
109. What is the average weight of a male Steller sea lion?
110. Normally in which area the Steller sea lions are found?
111. What is the famous weapon Octopus uses to defend the enemy?
112. What is the scientific name of Octopus?
113. What is the family name of Octopus?
Farm animal trivia questions and answers
114. What is the normal heartbeat of a cow?
115. The hearing power of cows is better than humans. Is it true?
116. What is the normal temperature of a cow?
117. What is the average jaw moment of a cow per day?
118. In 1930 which was the first cow that fly in an airplane?
119. How many portions are there in cow’s stomach?
120. What is the pregnancy duration of a cow?
121. Which animal can walk upstairs but not walk downstairs?
122. What is the pregnancy time of goats?
123. After birth baby goats require how much time to walk?
124. How many stomach goats have?
Baby animal trivia questions and answers
125. What is the initial weight of a baby panda?
126. What we can call a newborn goat?
127. What we can call the mother goat?
128. What we can call the father goat?
129. What is the nickname of the Atlantic Puffins
130. What is the name of the longest live freshwater fish? And what is the recorded age?
131. Which is the loudest animal of earth?
132. Which mammal has the thickest fur?
133. Which animal has the most powerful bite?
134. What is the national animal of Scotland?
135. What does a group of parrots call?
136. Which sea creature can change its gender?
137. How many brains do Leeches have?
138. Which is the longest-sleeping animal?
139. Which animal never dies?
140. Which animal never needs to drink water?
141. Which animal drinks the most water?
142. The middle section of an ant’s abdomen is called what?
143. How many legs an ant does have?
144. Which animals are born blind?
145. Baby rabbits are called what?
146. Which animal doesn’t have a circulatory system?
147. How do flatworms diffuse oxygen?
148. Which animal has the strongest bite?
149. How much is the chewing power of a Hippopotamus?
150. Which animal has the most robust sense of smell?
151. Which animal has the best hearing in the world?
152. Name the animal with a great sense of touch.
153. A group of camels is known as what?
154. Which animal’s group is called a congress?
155. Which animal has no stomach?
156. How many hearts does a giraffe have?
157. What is the scientific name of a dog?
158. Which animals have the same fingerprints as humans?
159. What percent of the ice in the Arctic Ocean is the urine of penguins?
160. Rana Tigrina is the scientific name of which animal?
161. The hearing capacity of a dog is how much more than a human’s?
162. What animal has the longest pregnancy?
163. Which animal has the shortest pregnancy?
164. How much are the pregnancy days of the Virginia Opossum?
165. Which is the only mammal that can’t jump?
166. How many eyes do spiders have?
167. Which female animal is called Jenny?
168. Name some animals without a backbone.
169. How many legs does a crab have?
170. How many eyes does a crab have?
171. Name the smallest fish in the world.
172. How many bear species are there in the world?
173. Holland lop, Mini lop, and Cashmere lop are types of which animal?
174. Which animal gives birth through the mouth?
175. Which animal keeps growing throughout his life?
176. What animals are highly social?
177. Which is the cutest animal in the world?
178. What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
179. Which is the ugliest animal on earth?
180. What is the lightest animal?
181. What is another name of wild turkey?
182. How many teeth do sharks have?
183. Which animal has the longest tongue?
184. What is the name of the world’s largest crocodile?
185. Giant Anaconda is a type of which animal.
186. Is it right to say that snakes are deaf?
187. What is the color of the most poisonous frog in the world?
188.How many eggs can female frogs lay at a time?
189. What kind of animal uses its skin to breathe?
190. How many bones does an octopus have?
191.What is something that sharks can sense but humans cannot?
192. What is the largest fish in the ocean?
193. Which animal eats jellyfish?
194. What does a panda eat?
195. Which is the only mammal that can fly?
196. Which animal is known as the man’s best friend?
197. Which is the only land animal that cannot jump?
198. Which is the fastest running bird?
199. Which is the bird that can fly backward?
200. Which is the tallest bird in the world?
This article involves full research to collect this awesome information about animals. We try our best to keep all information to the point according to the heading. if you found this article helpful, then please don’t forget to share this article in your social circle. if you have any suggestions, you can put in the comment section. thanks
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A software engineer having over 10 years of experience in web development and a passionate blogger who loves to write on different topics. My expertise is in moves, religious articles, sports, animals, and more.