Hello guys. Welcome to the Star Trek Trivia questions. How many of you watch this series? If yes, then read the below questions and try to answer them. But if no, then no problem read it in detail you know very much about this series. The first portion includes an intro to this series, who creates this series etc.
Moreover, some questions related to TNG, if you read it then you also come to know what is TNG. Some facts also included in this portion. Lets have a look at it.
Explore the galaxy with our Star Trek Trivia! Test your knowledge with quick questions about your favorite characters and episodes. Challenge your friends to see who the biggest Trekkie is. Let’s warp speed through these simple trivia questions!
Star Trek Trivia
1. What is Star Trek?
2. This series belongs to which country media franchise?
3. Who created this series?
4. First, this television series are known as?
5. Now this series said to be?
6. It was debuted in the year of?
7. Three seasons aired on?
8. Most recent Star Trek television series?
9. Roddenberry was inspired to make this series by?
10. What is Kelvin Timeline?
11. Name an animated series scheduled to debut in 2020?
12. Who are Trekkies and Trekkers?
13. Star Trek had a themed attraction in the city of?
14. This themed attraction opened in the year?
15. And closed in the year?
Star Trek Trivia Next Generation
16. TNG stands for?
17. When this series originally aired?
18. How many seasons of this are?
19. How many episodes of it?
20. Running time of this series?
21. How many estimated budget, of this series, per episode?
22. Who play the role of Captain Picard?
23. How many Emmy awards received by TNG?
24. Which season of TNG became the first and only syndicated television show to be nominated for the Emmy for Best Dramatic Series?
25. The first-season episode also won the Peabody Award for excellence in television programming. Name the season?
26. In 2002,TNG ranked number on 'TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time list' was?
27. In 2008, the ranked on 'Empire's list of the 50 greatest television shows' was?
28. In 1994, name the film featuring the characters of the series?
29. In 1998, which film released based on this series?
30. Film Star Trek: Nemesis, released in the year of?
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Star Trek Trivia Facts
31. Which was one of the worst-rated episodes of the original series?
32. Lt. Uhura’s name means?
33. Gene Roddenberry was?
34. Who portrayed Lt. Uhura?
35. Why teleportation used in the original series?
36. The original flip phone design was inspired by?
37. First, fully computer-generated sequence in a Star Trek film was?
38. This Genesis device scene appears in Star Trek II:?
39. Which film was a box office let-down, and was criticized for its lack of action?
40. Who has released several coins inspired by Star Trek characters from the original series?
41. First-ever Star Trek convention was held in?
42. Who played Sulu in the original series?
43. Which country holds the Guinness World Record for most Trekkies gathered in one place?
44. What is Starfleet?
45. When Leonard Nimoy passed away, who tweeted the Vulcan Salute from orbit?
…..This portion of the trivia includes some amazing and interesting facts about Star Trek. Here, on this section some facts which you h've to know regarding it, added. Let's look these facts and enhance your information…
Obscure Star Trek Trivia
46. Who is the only person to play himself on Star Trek?
47. Which actor has never watched the series?
48. Who created the Klingon language
49. Who invented the Vulcan salute based on a Jewish blessing?
50. Which US president is a Star Trek fan?
51. Star Trek was marketed under the original title?
52. Which actor refused to unpack his suitcases for the first six weeks of shooting?
53. Why did he refuse to unpack his suitcases?
54. First Officer role, in the pilot episode, was played by?
55. Who was unable to perform the salute when he played Spock in the 2009 film?
56. First Star Trek program hit the airwaves in?
57. Which series is one of the largest impacts on popular culture and science than any other franchise in history?
58. The first interracial kiss on American TV was in between?
59. In 1968, who was murdered?
60. What is Xenolinguistics?
Impossible Star Trek Trivia
61. Trekkies are the only fans listed by the name in which dictionary?
62. Gene's wife name?
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63. Who sold his kidney stone in 2006?
64. William sold his kidney to the?
65. What is GoldenPalace.com?
66.Star Trek, the most pirate film of the year, in the year of?
67. Spock’s skin was originally going to be in which color?
68. Who couldn’t do the Vulcan salute?
69. Which characters are famous for being killed off in the original series?
70. Who paid tribute to this in his 2009 film having Chief Engineer Olsen die in a red suit?
Star Trek Trivia App
71. First NASA space shuttle orbiter was named?
72. Why this orbiter named Enterprise?
73. Who gave the Vulcan salute when meeting Leonard Nimoy in 2008?
74. Star Trek has been referenced in countless shows. Name three?
75. Do most female Vulcan names start with the alphabet?
76. While most male Vulcan names start with the alphabet?
77. Who has been developed into real languages with their own alphabets?
78. Can we learn these languages developed by Vulcan and Klingon?
79. New series called?
80. The 2009 film reboot of Star Trek was which movie in the franchise. Tell the rank?
…..This portion includes fun facts about this animated series. Moreover, we also included questions related to series Enterprise, who create this series, how many episodes and seasons of it, etc. Some multiple-choice questions also mention here at the end, in order to check your knowledge about the Star Trek series. Let's enjoy and update your information. Hopefully, you like and enjoy to read this…
Star Trek Original Series Fun Trivia
81. Who co-wrote the script for Star Trek?
82. Simon Pegg is the star of?
83. Who was the voice of the Starfleet computer in the 2009 film reboot?
84. Who was George La Forge?
85. George passed in?
86. Who played a game of poker with Data, Albert Einstein, and Isaac Newton?
87. Character Guinan was specifically written for?
88. Who is Goldenberg?
89. Who was originally imagined to be insect-like creatures, but budget limitations forced them to look as they do now?
90. Who officially died in the 1994 film Star Trek Generation?
Star Trek Enterprise Quiz
91. Star Trek: Enterprise simply titled?
92. Creator of Enterprise?
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93. No. of seasons of Enterprise are?
94. No. of episodes?
95. Running time of this series?
96. An estimated budget of this series?
97. Originally aired from?
98. Original network, from where this series aired?
99. Enterprise used the pop-influenced song as its theme. Which song?
100. Who performed this song?
101. This song picturized on?
102. Who is Captain of Earth's first Warp 5 starship, Enterprise?
103. Who was the final member of the main cast to join the series?
104. In the UK, the series was first broadcast on the satellite TV channels?
105. Which was the third Star Trek series to be released in high definition on Blu-ray?
Star Trek Trivia Multiple Choice
106. The first season of Enterprise was released on VHS cassette in both?
A) UK and Ireland
B) US and Germany
C) California and France
107. The Next Generation is created by?
A) Michael Dorn
B) Jonathan Frakes
C) Gene Roddenberry
108. Which film is released in 1979?
A) The Wrath of Khan
B) The Motion Picture
C) The Final Frontier
109. Star Trek is an?
A) American Franchise
B) Canadian Franchise
C) Asian Franchise
110. Trekkies are the fans/followers of?
A) Avengers
B) Star Trek
C) Marvel
111. Star Trek one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time generated how many billions in revenue?
A) $8 billion
B) $13 billion
C) $10 billion
112. Animated Series won Star Trek's first Emmy Award on?
A) May 15, 1975
B) March 15, 1976
C) June 15, 1975
113. Leonard Nimoy did the role of?
A) Scotty
B) Spooky
C) Leonard McCoy
114. Which series earned several Emmy awards and nominations?
A) Voyager
B) Enterprise
C) The Next Generation
115. Which is the ninth series in the Star Trek franchise?
A) Star Trek: Discovery
B) Star Trek: Picard
C) Star Trek: Voyager
116. What is the name of the ship in the series?
117. What is the full name of Chekov?
118. What is the full name of Captain Kirk?
119. Who is the captain of the USS Enterprise in the original Star Trek series?
a) Captain Picard
b) Captain Kirk
c) Captain Janeway
d) Captain Sisko
120. What is the name of the first Star Trek television series that aired in the 1960s?
a) Star Trek: The Next Generation
b) Star Trek: Voyager
c) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
d) Star Trek: The Original Series
121. What is the name of Mr. Spock’s home planet?
a) Vulcan
b) Romulus
c) Qo’noS
d) Betazed
122. Who is the chief engineer of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
a) Geordi La Forge
b) Montgomery Scott
c) Miles O’Brien
d) Hikaru Sulu
123. What is the name of the alien species that assimilates other cultures into its collective in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
a) Romulans
b) Klingons
c) Borg
d) Ferengi
124. What is the name of the Starfleet space station that serves as a hub for interstellar travel in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine?
a) Starbase 74
b) Starbase 39-Sierra
c) Starbase 12
d) Deep Space Nine
125. Who is the captain of the USS Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager?
a) Captain Kirk
b) Captain Picard
c) Captain Janeway
d) Captain Sisko
126. What is the name of the alien species with forehead ridges and a strong code of honor in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
a) Ferengi
b) Cardassians
c) Bajorans
d) Klingons
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