During this pandemic, are you feeling bored at home? I am asking this question because physical activities declined. All playgrounds and parks are closed, and there is a complete lockdown in most of the areas. In this situation what should, we can do, and how can spend our time in a fruitful way? I have an idea of spending time. Friends cannot meet physically but virtually using different social platforms. Using these platforms we can spend our time in fruitful activities like we can play virtual trivia games or can share facts online with friends and class fellows, whether it will be weird trivia or some other fun facts.
Fun facts are a great way to share information; a group can share different fun and weird facts in the form of trivia questions. In the modern era, the WhatsApp group is the most suitable way to share knowledge. Making a class group is a good idea for extra activities.
You can also share these weird facts in your group. Here we are crafting knowledge-based weird information. We are trying to give you 100% unique information and facts in this post. So keep reading the weird trivia questions. Do you know how many weird and strange things are present all around us in this world or are you curious to know about the weird things so, do not worry we have gathered a lot of weird things for you in this Weird Trivia Questions and Answers give it a read and have fun.
Weird Trivia Questions
1. Do you know the technical name of the hashtag (#)?
2. Do you know the length of the longest wedding veil that makes the Guinness World Record?
3. Unicorn is the national animal of which country?
4. Do you know the name of the largest known living organism on earth?
5. A human can hear the heartbeat of a blue whale from more than 2 miles away. Is this statement true?
6. What is the weight of a blue whale heart?
7. Puffling is the baby name of which bird?
Weird Trivia Quiz
8. Which bird mimics any sound after hearing it one time?
9. Who and when the formula of Coca-Cola has been created?
10. A rollerball in the computer mouse was invented in which year?
11. The black paint dried faster than other paints is it true?
12. Do you know which birds in most famous in North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia?
13. In one bottle of wine, approximately how many grapes are added?
14. As we all know that people get scared by the number 13. Do you know the name of this fear?
The song sung by Mariah Carey is the most streamed song in 24 hours. The name of the song was “All I Want for Christmas is You”. Do you know which country produces the first-ever feature-documented film in 1906? The name of the country is Australia. Learn more about trivia facts in the post given below.
Want to know about the best trivia for kids?: 65+ best trivia facts for kids and teenagers
Trivia Fact of the Day
15. Are you a Spotify lover? Do you know which is the most-streamed song in 24 hours?
16. Do you know who has the most Guinness World Record titles?
17. According to history, humans doing dentistry since 7000 BC, is it true?
18. Do you know which country produce the first-ever feature-documented film in 1906?
19. It is a weird fact that apples, peaches, and raspberries are all belonging to the rose family. True or false?
20. Which country uses cheese and macarons more than any other country?
21. Snakes can feel earthquakes 5 days before it happens. Is this statement true?
22. The size of a yawn of a human or any other animal depends on the size of?
23. In which country it is illegal to have only one guinea pig?
Weird Trivia Questions for Adults
24. Do you know in which year cellophane was invented?
25. The famous stackable potato-based chips called Pringles, I am sure everyone knows this brand, do you know the name of the founder of this brand?
26. The founder of Pringles is buried in a Pringles can, is it true?
27. It is legal to bring bears on beaches in Israel, is it true?
28. The famous known beach “Pig Beach” where you can see swimming pigs are located in which country?
29. Saliva plays an important role in food taste. Without saliva humans can’t taste food, is this statement true?
30. On which date there was snowed in the Sahara Desert for 30 minutes?
Belgian beer is good for gut health because it is fermented twice and has a special yeast that kills the bacteria present in the gut. Moreover, In the year 2019, a continental crust was identified in the Mediterranean of the size of Greenland.
Fun Facts 2019
31. A continental crust was identified in the Mediterranean in 2019, which university coordinated this research?
32. What was the size of the continent?
33. In which country a human-sized Penguin once lived?
34. What was the penguin known as?
35. For which body part beer is good?
36. What type of beer is good for gut health?
37. Name some Belgian beers.
38. How these beers are different from other beers?
39. Which disease can be reduced by eating cheese?
40. Who designed the largest bridge in the world?
Fun Facts to Share
41. Who was the first living Nobelist to sell his medal?
42. Where is the headquarter of Ben and Jerry’s?
43. How many pits of ice cream were free for the works of Ben and Jerry?
44. How much a cow’s weight can vary in a day?
45. The artist Shu Lea Cheang belongs to which country?
46. He imagined a society where the currency would be replaced by what?
47. What was the last country to outlaw slavery?
48. When the policy was enacted in the country?
49. The player Andy Hebenton belongs to which sport?
50. What do Elizabethan preachers condemn about coal?
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first programmable digital computer in the United States. It weighs more than 30 tons. Furthermore, the common animal-derived ingredients in beauty products are Squalene (which is shark’s liver oil), Carmine, Allantoin, Ambergris, and Placenta.
Weird Facts
51. How much the genome of the axolotl is larger than the human genome?
52. What does the axolotl also call?
53. What was the first programmable digital computer in the United States?
54. What does ENIAC stand for?
55. How much ENIAC weighs?
56. When was the McRib sandwich introduced?
57. For which food brand was the McRib sandwich made?
58. How many iPods the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld had?
59. What are the common animal-derived ingredients found in beauty products?
60. What is Squalene?
Read this also: 70+ Impossible Trivia Questions and Answers
Interesting Facts to Talk About
61. In which laboratories there is an anechoic chamber that is so quiet?
62. The background noise of the chamber is measured in?
63. Who was the room’s founder?
64. According to Orfield, how long anybody has been able to tolerate extreme silence?
65. Which letter was first used to represent a kiss?
66. In which year was the letter first used?
67. In which axis do dogs typically go to the bathroom?
68. Which animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field?
69. How many people lived in Central Europe during the Stone Age?
Read more: 70+ Trivia Questions and Answers for High School
70. How long is the longest TV ad in history?
- What is the tallest mountain in the world?
- Which animal can sleep for up to three years?
- What is the only planet in the solar system known to support life?
- How many bones are there in the human body?
- What is the rarest blood type?
- What is the largest mammal in the world?
- What is the only bird that can fly backward?
- What is the most commonly spoken language in the world?
- What is the smallest country in the world?
- How many continents are there on Earth?

A computer graduate who has 16 years of education and 5 years of working experience in the field. I am a professional writer also and can write amazing articles in the following categories: sports, movies, and animals.