The cat belongs to the family ‘Felidae’ and is referred to as a domestic cat. They are owned by many households as pets and are mostly loved by humans. In the United States, they are the second most popular pet. The scientific name of the domestic cat is Felis Catus proposed by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. You might get surprised knowing the facts about cats such as it is found that some cats can swim and they do have dreams while sleeping like humans. There are many more interesting facts given in these 95+ Cat trivia questions which will make you more interested in cats. So, let’s start and learn the amazing information we have collected for you.
let’s get to know about the amazing features and unique characteristics of the cute little brutes with our Cat Trivia Questions and Answers! find out about the world of these tiny little darlings explore the different types of cats and enjoy their diversity. Whether you are a cat nut or simply want to know further about them our trivia questions have a lot of delightful information for you.
Cat Trivia Questions
1. From which family the animal ‘cat’ belongs to?
2. Which is the second most popular pet in the United States?
3. What is the scientific name of a domestic cat?
4. Who proposed this name?
5. When the name was proposed?
6. How many chromosomes a domestic cat possesses?
7. Are male domestic cats larger than females?
8. How many Cervical Vertebrae does a cat have?
9. How many Thoracic Vertebrae does a cat have?
10. What is the range of a cat’s hearing?
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Popular Cat Trivia Question
11. Which organ enhances the hearing sensitivity of a cat?
12. What is the function of the pinnae?
13. How many taste buds does a cat have?
14. Cats prefer the food at which temperature?
15. What does the term ‘Kindle’ mean?
16. How many bones do cats have?
17. Can a cat swim?
18. How many hours do usually cats sleep per day?
19. What is the eye color of all cats when they are born?
20. How many feral cats live at Disney?
Do you know that cats have 230 bones and 18 toes? More interestingly, it is found that a cat can make 100 different sounds. Furthermore, cats are loved by many people as pets in their household. The 6th president of the United States Abraham Lincoln had four pet cats that also lived in the White House with him.
Dog Cat Trivia Questions And Answers
21. How many toes do normal cats have?
22. When the first cat video was recorded?
23. How many feral cats live in the United States?
24. How many pet cats live in the United States?
25. Where a green cat was born?
26. How many pet cats Abraham Lincoln had?
27. Which cats have high chance of deafness?
28. For which purpose a cat’s tail is used?
29. Which action of a cat is called snuggling?
30. How many different sounds a cat can make?
Funny Cat Trivia Questions And Answers
31. What is the nickname of the cat ‘Maine Coon’?
32. What is the outer fur of a cat called?
33. What was the first cloned cat?
34. When ‘CC’ was born?
35. The breed of capital ‘Scottish Fold’ looks like which other animal?
36. What are the two main subfamilies modern cats fall in?
37. Which cat is known as good luck in Thailand?
38. Which taste cats don’t taste?
39. How high can a cat jump?
40. How do cats walk?
Cat Facts
41. Which other animals walk like a cat?
42. Why do cats lick themselves?
43. If a cat falls from a 20th-story building, does he survive?
44. Among males and females, which cat is more likely to be left-pawed?
45. Cats are crepuscular, what does it mean?
46. Among indoor and outdoor cats who can survive more?
47. What is the minimum age at which a female cat can get pregnant?
48. Which food can cause kidney failure in cats?
49. Cats spend a third of their waking hours doing what?
50. What does a question mark-shaped tail of a cat show?
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Usually, a cat’s tail is used to maintain balance however he also uses the tail to show some expressions such as a question mark-shaped tail depicts they are playful and a straight vibrating tail indicating that they are happy to see you. There are many acts of the cat which they do to show their feelings to us. To know those and much other information go through these Cats Musical Trivia and Bfg Cat Trivia questions given below.
Cats Musical Trivia
51. Which word or behavior do cats use exclusively to communicate with people?
52. What does ritual allogrooming mean?
53. What do cats do to show you that they are bored?
54. What are the favorite hiding spots of cats?
55. A cat’s learning style is similar to who?
56. Do cats have dreams like humans?
57. What are collective nouns used for adult cats?
58. What do cats have as humans have unique fingerprints?
59. When the domesticated cats first appeared?
60. Which is the most recognized cartoon cat in film history?
Big Cat Trivia
61. ‘Big cat’ refers to which genus’s living members?
62. What are the members included in big cat?
63. Which is the biggest cat in the world?
64. What does a female cat call?
65. Which is the strongest cat in the Americas?
Disturbing Cat Facts
66. How many households own cats in the UK?
67. What percent of their lives do cats spend sleeping?
68. Which cat was the Mayor of an Alaskan town?
69. For how long has he remained the Mayor of the town?
70. How large was the longest cat ever?
71. Which is the richest cat in the world according to the Guinness World Record?
72. Who was the first and only cat to go into space?
73. Where you can find the collarbone of cats?
74. For how long a mother cat take care of their child?
75. What are feral cats?
76. Why do a cat’s eyes shine in the darkness?
77. What does a cat breeder call?
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- At which age do cats become fertile?
- A cat is pregnant for how long?
- How long does a mother cat care for her kittens?
- How many kittens are in a litter?
- How many litters of kittens can a cat have in a year?
- Are cats able to swim?
- What is a feral cat?
- Which lives longer, domesticated cats or feral cats?
- What is the average life span of a cat?
- How many human years are in one cat year of life? –
- How does a cat’s vision compare to a human’s?
- What are the superstitions surrounding black cats? –
- What time of the day is a cat most active?
- How long do cats sleep during the day on average? –
- Why does a cat eat grass?
- Why do cats lick each other?
- What do the terms “tom” and “queen” mean when used to refer to a cat? –
- Why is a cat so fast and balanced?
- Where does a cat get its personality from?
- Which country has the largest population of cats? –
- What is the first known domestication of cats?
- Why do cats mark objects with their scent?

A computer graduate who has 16 years of education and 5 years of working experience in the field. I am a professional writer also and can write amazing articles in the following categories: sports, movies, and animals.