Easter or Pascha is a festival in which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Which was held after the 3rd day of his burial. Easter is the most important festival. Before that day there are too many other occasions that fall such as Lent, Holy Week, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday also fall just before Easter. On Easter day 50% of the American population visit the church for prayer and penance. Due to the importance of this festival, we decide to increase your knowledge about Easter and our researchers crafted a well and organized quiz for you, which contains more than 60+ Easter trivia questions. Before that, our writers also publish a quiz about Christmas. If you want to read that quiz also just follow the link.
Excited to know about Easter Trivia Questions and Answers, because it is a simple entertainment and knowledge at the same time. get to know more about the facts about Easter eggs, traditions, and the story of Jesus’ resurrection.
So let’s know in-depth about the history of Easter, Easter bunnies, and Easter painting eggs.
Easter trivia
1. What is the reason behind Easter? Why do they celebrate?
2. The very first Easter egg’s color was what?
3. Jesus rose from the dead after how many days of burial?
4. Does Easter celebrate on which date each year?
5. In 325 CE which council decided the scenario of Easter?
6. Which flower symbolizes Jesus’s resurrection?
7. From which country the concept of the Easter bunny originated?
8. What was the main concept behind the Easter Bunny?
9. Which apostle refuses to accept Jesus resurrection?
10. Jesus buried in whose tomb?
11. Who wrapped Jesus in cloth and prepared him for burial?
Easter Trivia Questions and Facts
12. Australians use what instead of the Easter bunny?
13. According to the gospel of Mark, after the resurrection of Jesus, to whom he first appeared?
14. According to a recent survey how many percents of people start eating Easter bunny from the ear?
15. Which type of cloth was used to wrap the body of Jesus?
16. Each year American spend how much money on Easter candy?
17. On which date the first annual white house Easter egg was rolled?
18. Which American president rolled the first annual white house Easter egg?
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Easter trivia questions
19. Good Friday came before which feast?
20. On Easter day what is the name of the tradition in which painting on eggs is held?
21. Pysanka originated from which country?
22. What was the main objective of the Easter act 1928?
23. Do you know the name of the traditional bread used in Russia on Easter day?
24. Which American Literature professor wrote the traditional Easter hymn “Up from the Grove He Arose”?
25. The Romans give what type of crown to Jesus?
Easter pub quiz questions and answers
26. Do you know the weight of the world’s largest chocolate Easter egg?
27. New York City Easter parade become very famous and become a tradition in which year?
28. Instead of Easter bunnies, Sweden kids dress up what?
29. “Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow” These lines were picked from which traditional Easter hymn?
30. True or false: Easter bunny is never mentioned in the Bible.
31. True or false question: Yellow chicks were the original marshmallow peeps
32. According to the National Retail Federation how many percent of American visit church on Easter Sunday?
33. Who introduced the Easter bonnet into American popular culture in 1933?
Easter multiple-choice quiz questions
34. Which bread product from the list is associated with Easter?
A) Pizza B) Pretzels
35. True or false: the original marshmallow peep had wings?
A) True B) False
36. In the movie “Rise of the Guardians” who play the role of the Easter Bunny?
A) Hugh Jackman B) Jude Law
37. Easter eggs are the symbols of what?
A) Peace B) rebirth
38. Where does the largest Easter egg exist?
A) Alberta Canada B) Los Angeles America
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39. A season of fasting before Easter called Lent, do you know the duration of Lent?
A) 10 days B) 30 days
40. Name the place where the famous New York Easter parade was held?
A) White House B) 5th Avenue
Hard Easter Quiz Questions
41. “Urbi et orbi” Given to the world by whom on every Easter?
42. Jesus wore which color of cloak when he went to the cross?
43. Shrove Tuesday is another name for which festival?
44. Do you remember the name of any star from the Easter parade in 1948?
45. Until 1941 Japan was the most Easter Lilies exporter to the United States. Is this statement true?
46. For the Tsars of Russia who produces bejeweled Easter eggs?
47. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem through which ride?
48. Which country introduces Simnel cake?
49. Easter Island fall in which country?
50. On Easter day which country boys traditionally throw buckets of water over girls?
51. Easter 2018 fell on which date?
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52. Because the Easter date is not fixed, what is such a type of festival called?
53. 3 days before Easter called what?
54. Judas identifies Jesus to the soldiers by doing what act?
- When did Easter Sunday fall on April 22nd?
- What is the week before Easter Sunday called?
- What bird lays eggs for the Easter Bunny?
- What is the name of the foot washing ceremony on Maundy Thursday?
- Where is it traditional to fly kites on Good Friday?
- What is the Sunday before Easter called?
- What is the name of the Easter bread with colored eggs?
- Which flower is associated with Easter?
- What is the Greek Orthodox midnight Easter service called?
- What is the day between Good Friday and Easter Sunday called?

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