Stranger Things is an American horror show created by The Duffer Brothers. Three seasons of the series are released since 2016. All the seasons of the series are released on Netflix and attracted a record of viewers. The first season was released on July 15, 2016, the second one in the year 2017 and the third season was released in 2019. The series was set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The first season started in the year 1983 when a young boy named Will Byers disappeared from the Upside Down. Some more details about the story can be gathered through these 95+ Stranger Things Trivia questions and answers.
Step into the Upside Down with our Stranger Things Trivia! Test your knowledge with simple questions about Eleven, the Demogorgon, and the mysteries of Hawkins, Indiana. Challenge your friends to see who the biggest fan of this thrilling series is. Let’s unravel the secrets and enjoy these easy trivia questions!
Stranger Things Trivia
1. Who created the series ‘Stranger Things’?
2. Which production company released the series?
3. When the first season of the series was released?
4. What is the name of the fictional town where the movie is set in?
5. What is the focus of the first season of the series?
6. What abilities Eleven had?
7. How many seasons of the series are released?
8. Who are the writers of ‘Stranger Things’?
9. What was the age of Byers when he disappeared?
10. Which British actress played the role of Eleven?
11. Which film was followed by the Duffer brother for making their one?
12. Who was the executive director of the series?
13. Who played the character of Nancy?
14. What disease Dustin was facing both in the show and in real life?
15. What was the name of Will Byer’s own fort?
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Stranger Things Trivia Printable
16. When was the finale episode of season one?
17. What was the Upside Down in the film?
18. Who was Mike’s older sister?
19. Who played the role of Mike Wheeler in the film?
20. Who first entered the Upside Down?
21. How Nancy entered in the Upside Down?
22. Who was the favorite teacher of the boys?
23. Why Dustic called Clarke at his home?
24. What was the name of the final chapter of season one?
25. After finding the girl in the woods where they boys took her?
26. The first season begins in which year?
27. Which game Byers and his friends were playing when he disappeared?
28. Who was the lab’s director?
29. How Dr. Brenner claimed that the girl can’t have gone far?
30. How did ‘Benny’ know the name of the young girl Eleven?
The Stranger Things is created as an investigative as well as a horror story. Hence, the first season of the show was all about the investigation of the disappearance of Will Byers and also it shows the appearance of a girl (Eleven) with some superpowers. You can know from these Stranger Things trivia questions how Will’s family and friends can find him and what would be their role of Eleven in this process of finding Will.
Stranger Things Trivia Questions and Answers
31. What Eleven indicated using the Dungeons and Dragons board?
32. Will Byers be haunted by which creature?
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33. Nancy and her friend go to a party with whom?
34. Why Jonathan secretly took photographs of the party?
35. What happened with Barb (Nancy’s friend) at the swimming pool?
36. Who directed the third and fourth chapters of season 1?
37. When Barb awakens where she was?
38. How Will was communicating with Joyce?
39. Why Steve destroyed Jonathan’s camera?
40. Who recovers the picture of Barb?
41. What Hopper found when he awakes at his house?
42. What was the name of the science teacher?
43. What Mr. Clark suggested to travel between the alternate dimensions?
44. Who planned to kill the Demogorgon?
45. About whom Nancy assumed that they are dating and got into a fight?
Stranger Things Trivia Season 3
46. When the third season of Stranger Things was released?
47. Who was forced to open a new gate to the Upside Down?
48. The season started in which year?
49. Which Mall gets so much popularity in Hawkins?
50. What was the suggestion of Joyce?
51. Why Dustin sets up an improvised radio tower?
52. What was hit by an unseen creature?
53. Where Nancy and Jonathan started working as an intern?
54. With whom Steve started working at an ice cream parlor at Starcourt Mall?
55. Who used her power to spy on Mike and Billy?
56. What Nancy and Jonathan found when they reached Mrs. Driscoll’s home?
57. Who decodes Russian communication?
58. Who attacked Hopper while he was investigating at the lab?
59. Why Nancy and Jonathan were fired?
60. Hopper and Joyce forced Kline to reveal what?
In 2019 the third season of Stranger Things was released. The story started with a celebration on July 4, 1985. A new Mall Starcourt was built in Hawkins which became the central attraction of the citizens. Steve started working at an ice cream parlor at the Starcourt Mall. More importantly, a secret Soviet laboratory was there under the Mall. Steve and Robin were captured, drugged and interrogated in the lab while Dustin and Erica rescued them. More information about the story can get from Stranger Things Trivia 2019.
Stranger Things Trivia 2019
61. What was the name of chapter six in season 3?
62. Who alerts Grigori about Hopper and Joyce searching for the properties?
63. Where Hopper and Joyce took the Russian soldier Alexei?
64. Who was Murray?
65. Why they took Alexie to Murray?
66. Who attacked the group of Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Mike Lucas, Eleven, and Max?
67. What happened with Steve and Robin in the Russian lab beneath Starcourt?
68. Who rescued them from the Russian lab?
69. What was the Mind Flayer’s plan?
70. In which season the Mind Flayer was introduced?
71. Where Dustin and Erica dragged Steve and Robin when they were drunk?
72. What happened with Alexie?
73. What happened with Eleven after three months?
74. Who moved out from Hawkins?
75. What was embedded in Eleven’s wound?
Stranger Things Trivia Night
76. What was the name of the game the kids play in season 2?
77. What was the name of the character from the game ‘Dungeons and Dragons the kids called the first monster in season 1?
78. Where the show was originally meant to take place?
79. When is the full name of Barb known?
80. Joyce works at Melvald’s General store as what in the second season?
81. From where Max came to Hawkins?
82. Who stole Eleven from her mother?
83. Why Dr. Brenner stole Eleven?
84. What was the original name of the Upside Down?
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85. How Hopper’s daughter died?
86. Why Barb’s parents hired Murray?
87. Who composed the soundtrack of the show?
- What is the name of the alternate dimension in Stranger Things?
- Who is the telekinetic girl with a buzzed haircut who escapes from Hawkins Laboratory?
- What is the name of the group of friends who are at the center of the show?
- What is the name of the town where the series takes place?
- Who is the chief of police in Hawkins?
- What is the name of Will’s missing brother?
- What is the name of the mysterious organization conducting experiments in Hawkins Laboratory?
- What is the nickname given to the monster that terrorizes Hawkins?
- What is the name of the arcade where the kids spend much of their time?
- What is the name of the alternate dimension creature introduced in the second season?
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