The Avenger is an American film produced in 2012 by Kevin Feige. Joss Whedon is the writer and director of the film which is based on superheroes. The film was released in theater on 11 April 2012 while in the United States on 4 May in the same year. The Avenger became the third grossing film of all time while the first one in 2012. It grossed over $1.5 million. This film is the sixth movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Furthermore, three sequels of the movie were produced in the years 2015, 2018 and 2019.
From Iron Man to Captain America, Black Widow to Thor, Hulk to Hawkeye, and the many other remarkable heroes who have joined their ranks, these Avenger trivia questions will delight fans of all ages. Engage in friendly competition, test your knowledge, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Dive into superhero action with our Avengers Trivia! Test your knowledge with quick questions about your favorite heroes and villains. Challenge your friends to see who the ultimate Avenger expert is. Let’s assemble for some fun trivia!
So, gather your friends, family, or fellow Marvel enthusiasts and embark on an adventure through the Marvel Cinematic Universe with these captivating Avenger trivia questions. Let your love for these iconic superheroes and their incredible stories shine as you uncover fascinating facts and relive the excitement of the Avengers’ heroic journey.
The Avenger Trivia
1. Who is the director of film ‘The Avenger’ (2012)?
2. Which production company produced the film?
3. When did the development of the film started?
4. What is Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)?
5. Where the production of the film started in April 2011?
6. Who played the role of Tony Stark/ Iron man in ‘The Avengers’?
7. How much Chris Evans earned from the film?
8. Who is the CEO of Marvel Studio?
9. What was the initial date of releasing the film?
10. What was the main superpower of the character Dr. Strange?
11. Who defeated in Avenger: Infinity War?
12. Who played the role of Captain America?
13. Who saved Tony Stark from dying in outer space?
14. The Asgardians were assaulted by whom in the space?
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15. Who was the leader of the base?
16. How Loki controlled the mind of Hawkeye and Selvig?
17. What Hawkeye was watching at the beginning of the movie?
18. In the Avengers: Infinity War who was the first character died?
19. Who is the writer of Avenger: Infinity War?
20. What was the running time of the film?
Easy Avenger Trivia Questions
21. When the Avenger: Endgame was released in the United States?
22. Why did Clint Barton was arrested?
23. What was the name of the two sons of Laura?
24. Due to whose arrival the sleep of Tony was disturbed during the journey in the ship?
25. Who were the surviving avengers united with Stark and Potts?
26. Who said Rogers about the loss of Peter Parker?
27. Who proposed to go after Thonas for finding him?
28. Which place was referenced by Nebula about the existence of Thonas?
29. What was the name of the ship in which the avengers were travelling?
30. Why the avengers departed from the Garden?
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31. After how many years the story started again?
32. What happened in the world during the five years?
33. Rogers participated to support the citizens of which city?
34. Who else was living with Tony in a simple cabin?
35. Who accidentally activated the Quantum Tunnel in Luis’ van?
36. What was the Wall of the Vanished?
37. Who believed the five-year time span as five hours?
38. What gives relief to Lang while seeing the list?
39. Who was there when he reached at Cassie’s home?
40. Where did Lang traveled after realizing that Hope van Dyne, Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne were among them who disappeared?
These are some hard trivia questions which will make you understand the story of the film Avengers in more details. These avenger questions and answers are much about the story of the film.
Hard Avenger Trivia Questions
41. Who was the new leader of the Avengers in the New Avengers Facility?
42. What did he saw when he reached there?
43. What does Rhodes suspects about Clint Barton?
44. What Stark was doing at his lakeside home when Rogers, Romanoff and Lang reached there?
45. What does Banner claims after knowing that the remaining avengers plans to rescue Stones from the past?
46. Which type of research Banner restarted after defeated by Thanos?
47. For what the Gamma radiation was used by Banner?
48. What experiment Banner, Roger and Romanoff did with the time travel?
49. What was the result of the experiment?
50. What was the condition on which Tony agreed to help them?
51. Where was the home now to the Asgardians who were left?
52. Where Valkyrie was working now?
53. What Valkyrie said about Thor to Banner and Rocket?
54. Who was attacked by Barton in Tokyo?
55. Who was the boss of the Japanese group?
56. Who convinced Barton to come to the Avengers’ headquarter?
57. Who volunteered for the first travel test and then succeeded?
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58. What was the next phase of the avengers?
59. Why the operation of the next phase was a big challenge?
60. Where they realized to find the time, space and mind stones?
In the film, the Avengers were trying to find six Infinity Stones which can help the Avengers to go towards their missing families and also save the universe from destroying with the hands of Thonas.
The Avenger Trivia Questions and Answers
61. Where they accessed the Reality Stone?
62. Which stones were present in 2014 on Vormir and Morag?
63. In how many teams did the Avengers separate for finding the stones?
64. What was the target location of Romanoff and Barton?
65. Who was in the team going towards Morag?
66. Where did Thor and Rocket go?
67. Who else was going to New York with Lang and Banner?
68. To whom Banner encountered in the New York Sanctum?
69. What did the Ancient One explain to Banner?
70. What Banner wanted from the Ancient One?
71. Did Banner get the Time Stone from the Ancient One?
72. Who were among the agents of HYDRA transporting the Scepter by elevator?
73. What did Rogers mutter after acquiring the Scepter?
74. Who admitted that they failed to find the Tesseract?
75. What did Tony realize about the Tesseract and the Pym particles?
76. Where did Thor and Rocket travel?
77. What distracted Thor?
78. How Romanoff and Clint traveled to Vormir?
79. Nebula gets the Power Stone at the cost of what?
80. What did Tony see in the basement?
The Avenger: Endgame was released on April 26, 2019, in the United States. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye are the original Avengers team. In the film, time jumps five years later in 2023 from 2018 when most of the film was set. These are some easy Avenger trivia questions about the Avenger: endgame.
The Avenger Endgame Trivia Questions
81. Where did Rogers hide after getting the Pym particles?
82. Who gave her life for getting the Soul Stone?
83. After getting all six Infinity Stones where the teams came from?
84. What was created by Banner, Stark, and Rocket to harness the stones?
85. Who among them used the gauntlet?
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86. What does the call from Hawkeye’s wife indicates?
87. How the passage for Thomas was permitted?
88. Who decided to attack Thonas when the Avengers get separated in the aftermath of the occurrence?
89. Who killed the 2014 version of Nebula?
90. What was the intention of Thanos?
91. Name the armies of the Black Order?
92. How Thomas attempted to kill Thor?
93. What was the notion of Thonas after breaking his shield?
94. Who came there when Thanos was trying to kill Thor?
95. What was the alternate option after the Quantum tunnel was destroyed with the Avengers Facility?
96. Who took the gauntlet from Spider-man?
97. What Thonas to get the gauntlet again?
98. How Stark made a new gauntlet?
99. What makes Thanos shocked and horror?
100. What does Tony declare after wielding the six Infinity Stone?
101. For whom Tony recorded the message that ‘He loves her’?
102. What was written on Tony’s first Arc Reactor?
103. Who gave Tony the Arc Reactor as a gift?
104. Who makes Valkyrie the new queen of New Asgard?
105. Thor joined what after leaving the New Asgard?
106. How many Avengers are there in the movie?
107. Who was Thor’s father?
108. On which planet the Guardian of the Galaxy met?
109. Who was Tony Stark’s daughter?
110. Which avenger appeared in ‘Ant-Man’?
111. How Black Panther gets his powers?
112. In Iron Man 3, which terrorist threat does Tony Stark face?
- What is the name of the main villain in Avengers: Endgame?
- Who sacrifices themselves to obtain the Soul Stone?
- What is the name of Thor’s new weapon in Avengers: Endgame?
- Who is the only Avenger to survive the Snap in Infinity War?
- What is the name of the alien species that Thanos belongs to?
- Who wields the Infinity Gauntlet in the final battle against Thanos?
- Which Avenger goes back in time to retrieve the Soul Stone?
- What is the name of the dimension where the Soul Stone is located?
- Who says the famous line, I am Iron Man?
- What is the name of the group formed by the Avengers to reverse the Snap?

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